My last appraisal

I came across my last appraisal from IBM, from 10 years ago, which I formatted as a poem. Having received the highest performance rating for 4 years on the trot, I came up against the quota system and an idiot for a manager (in my humble opinion!). I left and went into childcare, the rest is history! (IBM’s loss was Paint Pot’s gain – again, in my humble opinion!)


A lack of hard-edged leadership

and assertiveness,

out of the box thinking

and active driving forward,

coupled with a failure to identify

and articulate a clear high level

vision for how this could work –

all of which means, I’m afraid,

that I have rated you

one of the lowest performers.


I understand that you are clearly

disappointed by this rating.

There are no concerns whatsoever

over your trustworthiness

nor your technical ability.

I do hope given time that you will feel able to reflect

constructively on this feedback

as it does provide you with an opportunity

to learn and grow.

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